Pro-Dean Widening Participation, Warwick Business School
Monday 4 July, 1130
TRACK: Entrepreneurship & Enterprise
"Leading entrepreneurial organisations in a post-pandemic world: challenges and opportunities"

Tina is Professor of Organizational Behaviour at Warwick Business School.
She is an Organizational Psychologist by background and received her MSc in Psychology and PhD in Organizational Psychology from the University of Fribourg in Switzerland. Before joining WBS, she worked at Birkbeck College, University of London, at the University of St. Gallen (Switzerland) and the University of British Columbia in Vancouver (Canada).
Tina engages in researcher and teaching at all levels. She also acts as Assistant Dean for Widening Participation at Warwick Business School, leading on a number of exciting programmes that aim to enhance diversity and inclusivity. Her main research areas focus on leadership as well as individual emotional experiences at work, in particular during radical and ongoing organizational change.
Tina has published her work in top-tier academic peer reviewed journals and has been rewarded several scholarships and grants.