Prof. Simon Barnes
Professor of Practice (Entrepreneurship & Innovation Group) Warwick Business School
Monday 4 July, 1000
TRACK: Entrepreneurship & Enterprise
"Entrepreneurship education - an overview"

Simon Barnes is Professor of entrepreneurship and venture capital finance at Warwick Business School where he launched the Young Entrepreneurs Scholarship programme.
He is a founder and Managing Partner at Circadia Ventures LLP which manages venture capital funds in food sciences, nutrition, biotechnology and healthcare. He has worked in the venture capital industry since 1998 initially with Atlas Venture and was previously Director of the Entrepreneurship Centre at Imperial College London where he taught and published in the field of entrepreneurial finance, particularly on the interface between science and business.
He has a First Class Degree in Natural Sciences and a PhD in molecular biology from the University of Cambridge and an MBA from Imperial College London. He is author of the book 'Raising Venture Capital' with Rupert Pearce and has served as external examiner for the MPhil Degree in Bioscience Enterprise at the University of Cambridge .
He currently serves on venture backed boards in the UK, US and Germany and is a Governor at the Warwick Independent Schools Foundation.