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monday 4 july
0800 Arrival at the Bridge House Theatre, Warwick Schools Foundation, Myton Road, CV34 6PP
0900 Opening Address
0915 Next Gen Panel
1000 Morning sessions
1215 Lunch
1315 Afternoon sessions
1600 'What graduates need to know', Professor A C Grayling CBE
1645 'The rise of the humans', Dave Coplin
1715 Closing remarks
1815 - 2100 Evening reception at Warwick Castle
TUESday 5 july
0830 Arrival at the Bridge House Theatre, Warwick Schools Foundation, Myton Road, CV34 6PP
0900 'The Parent Trap' - educating our children for an undiscovered future' - Primary research findings presented by MTM Consulting
0945 Round table discussions
1145 Plenary
1230 Closing Session, Rachel Sandby-Thomas CB, Registrar, University of Warwick
1300 Lunch and departure
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